Student Complaints
Academic complaint: classroom, instructional, and course content concerns
General complaint: concerns related to the student experience outside of the classroom
Student Rights
- 学生应有权参加自由的思想交流, 不得有任何学院规章或行政规章以任何方式限制言论自由权, expression, petition, and peaceful assembly as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. (FLA LEGAL; FLA LOCAL) (Administrative Procedure for Expressive Activities on Campus)
- 学生有权参加学院的所有领域和活动, free from any form of discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, disability, age, or veteran status in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. (FA LEGAL; FB LOCAL; FFD LOCAL; FK LEGAL)
- 学生有权知道他们将如何在课堂上被评估的细节, 如果他们觉得自己的评分不合理,可以提出申诉. (FLDB LOCAL)
- 除法律另有规定外,学生享有个人隐私权, and this will be observed by students and College authorities alike. (FJ LOCAL)
- 因违反学生规则而受到纪律处分的学生,应确保按照学院政策的规定进行基本公平的程序. (FMA LOCAL)
- A student shall have the right to access the College’s Consumer Information 根据各种联邦法规的要求,并在学院的网站上展示.
- A student shall have the right to file a written complaint if they are unable to resolve a concern through established procedures. (FLD LOCAL)
Student Responsibilities
- 学生有责任充分了解公布的学院学生规则(在学院威尼斯人博彩中找到)并遵守这些规则, as well as all federal, state, and local laws.
- 学生有责任充分了解学院的计费政策,并履行对学院的所有财务义务. More details
- 学生有责任与学院保持联系, 包括阅读他们的电子邮件,让学院随时了解他们的地址和电话号码.
- A student has the responsibility to seek out input concerning career, choice of majors, 并从校园的各种学术咨询办公室选择课程, catalogs/advisors at transfer institutions, and other resources. 所有与学术课程相关的决定最终都是被建议者的责任.
- 学生有责任在与老师有分歧时表现出尊重和诚实, staff, administration, 并利用已建立的渠道解决他人的投诉和关切. (FLD LOCAL)
- 学生有责任尊重他人的权利和财产, including other students, the faculty, and College officials. (FLB LOCAL)
- 学生有责任在支持学院的学习环境方面保持一致的行为水平,并认识到学院有义务提供学习环境. (FLB LOCAL)
威尼斯人博彩区致力于提供有利于每个人的个人和专业发展的教育氛围. In order to ensure that commitment, 布林制定了学生在大学社区内申诉的程序, should such action become necessary.
与教师或工作人员有未解决的分歧或不满的学生, another student, student group, 或行政人员有权在不影响其在学院的地位的情况下提出书面投诉.
就正式政策未涉及的范畴提出的投诉,应按照一般学生投诉政策( FLD ). Before filing a written complaint under this Policy, 学生必须首先尝试通过与相关人员(如果可能)和适当的院长或主管讨论问题来解决问题.
Student complaints regarding discipline, sexual harassment, final grade appeals, and student housing appeals shall be covered by separate procedures. This policy is intended to be used only as a manner of appeal. See:
- FFD 针对歧视、骚扰和报复的初步投诉
- FFE for initial complaints regarding bullying and dating violence
- FG for complaints regarding student housing
- FLDB for course grade complaints
- FMA for discipline hearing procedures
协助确定应遵循的正确程序或确定适当的院长或主管进行非正式解决, students can contact:
Administration Building, Office 128
Brenham, Texas 77833
Dean of Distance Learning
207 Bookstore Building (Bryan campus)
Campus Executive Dean (Brenham)
Old Main Building, Suite 214
Campus Executive Dean (Bryan)
Building S, Suite 130
Campus Executive Dean (RELLIS)
Walter Schwartz Building, Suite 110-B
Campus Executive Dean (Sealy)
111 Administration Building
Campus Executive Dean (Schulenburg)
100-2 Administration Building
The College Catalog also is a source for policy and procedures details.
- 如果学生不能以非正式方式解决他/她的担忧,如上所述, a student may complete one of the following forms found below:
Academic Complaint Form | General Complaint Form
- 负责学生服务的副校长办公室(或指定的)将审查提交的投诉,并可能要求与学生预约讨论投诉.
- 副校长或指定的副校长将对投诉作出决定,并在投诉提交后三十(30)天内以书面形式将决定告知学生. The decision is final and cannot be appealed. 包括决定在内的投诉记录将提交给负责学生服务的副校长办公室:
Administration Building, Office 128
Brenham, Texas 77833
根据德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会(THECB)根据德克萨斯州行政法典第19条编纂了规则, Sections 1.110 – 1.120, after exhausting the institution's grievance/complaint process, current, former, and prospective students may initiate a complaint with THECB. Refer to THECB website for details on this process.